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Save Wolf Creek Boatworks

For 80 years, Wolf Creek Boatworks has been a landmark to the Hollis-Kasaan-POW community.

The history and pictures of Wolf Creek Boatworks.

Part of the SE Alaska community yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Send a message to Save Wolf Creek.

Historic Wolf Creek has been my home and labor of love for 29 years. Since 2015 I have been working to save the historic site but the State of Alaska Mental Health Trust has no interest in a equitable, fair solution or interest in protecting the site. They have refused to sell the land or provide any of the protections, preventive or preservation measures they agreed to in the land swap. Without safeguards in place this historic landmark is in peril. Without constant investment of funds, equipment, labor and tools the buildings will eventually decay and be no more.

Please call, email, text, or Facebook message

your political representatives to ask for the Wolf Creek Boatworks to be protected.

Sam Romey

T: 480.225.4761


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